Case of the week- Transforming Smiles with Vitality Dentistry’s Computer Guided Dental Implant Solutions

Introduction and Problem

Our patient came to us with missing teeth on the upper jaw and wanted a permanent solution to restore her smile. She had been wearing a partial upper denture for a while, but it was time for a more comfortable and natural feeling solution. Medically fit for the procedure, our patient was ready to explore their options.

On assessment, it was found that a full arch restoration could help regain some vertical height. To address her concerns comprehensively, she was also given the option to investigate the lower arch treatment while the upper arch was being managed.

Before Retracted (no denture)
Before Retracted (denture)

The Consultation and Decision:

After all our investigations and digital 3D scanning were completed, consultation with the patient was done outlining all the findings and treatment options. The patient decided to proceed with the upper All-on-6 full arch dental implant treatment, using our computer guided dental implant methods.

The patient understood the benefits and risks of the treatment, the alternative options, and the consequences of not proceeding. Confident in her decision, she gave her consent.

Most of our time and effort went into digitally planning the case so that we can strategically place the implants in the best places possible, maximizing strength and aesthetics.

The Big Day: Computer Guided Dental Implant Surgery

Our meticulous process started with ensuring a sterile environment was in place. After freezing, extraction of teeth 23, 24, 25, and 26 was done.  The surgical guide was placed, and the fit verified.

Following the guided surgery protocol, we prepared the implant sites and Bone augmentation was achieved using Dynablast, ensuring a solid foundation for the implants. The dental implants were precisely placed in positions 12, 14, 16, 22, 24, and 26.

We took an initial digital scan during surgery using the Cerec Prime scan and sent it to our in-house lab to prepare for the next steps. Post-procedure X-rays confirmed that all multi-units were correctly seated.

The Result

The very same day, we placed the upper bridge, checked, and confirmed the patient’s bite. All implants showed primary stability, a key to successful initial integration. The patient received comprehensive post-op instructions, both written and verbal, to ensure a smooth recovery.

The Journey Continues: Follow-Up Appointments

  • Next Day:
    • Insertion of the titanium bar with a PMMA overlay.
  • 1 Week Post-Op
  • 1 Month Post-Op
  • 3 Months Post-Op
  • Final Restorations

Our patient’s journey towards a restored smile is a testament to the power of modern dental techniques. With guided implant surgery, we were able to provide her with a solution that not only improved her appearance but also restored her confidence and ability to eat comfortably. We look forward to seeing her smile continue to shine brighter with each follow-up appointment.

Follow us on our social media to keep updated with her journey. If you or someone you know need dental implants, book your complementary consultation today so that we can help you understand your options.